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New Patient Protocol

We welcome new patients to the practice. When new patients come to the office for their first visit, they are required to complete the relevant forms besides completing a medical history information sheet (can be downloaded from the website). Once the paperwork is processed, patients are triaged and then evaluated by our providers. Once the evaluation is completed, we will discuss with you the diagnostic possibilities, and if indicated, blood work, xrays and/or other relevant investigations may be recommended. These can be done at any laboratory or institution of the patient's choice. Preliminary treatment may be recommended during the initial visit and a report will be sent to the referring physician and PCP. A return visit is usually recommended in 3-4 weeks to discuss results of the investigations ordered and to finalize treatment.

What we need from you

If you are a new patient or transferring care from another rheumatologist, please ensure that your records are transferred to us PRIOR to your initial visit.     It is not necessary for new patients to get formal referrals from other doctors to receive care from us but we welcome such referrals to facilitate continuity of care.

New Patient
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